Laila Lalami - The Moor's Account

Okładka książki

The Moor's Account: A Journey Through History, Told Through an Untold Voice

"The Moor's Account" by Laila Lalami isn't just a historical fiction novel; it's a captivating exploration of forgotten narratives and a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Lalami masterfully weaves a fictional memoir of Mustafa al-Zamori, a Moroccan slave who accompanied the ill-fated Narváez expedition to the Gulf Coast of America in 1527. While history remembers the expedition for its harrowing journey and the four survivors who endured the ordeal, it has largely erased the crucial role of Estebanico, as the Spaniards called Mustafa. The novel delves into the expedition's struggles: the navigational errors, the disease, the hunger, and the constant threat from indigenous tribes. It paints a vivid picture of the expedition's decline, culminating in a harrowing journey across the American continent. As the four survivors, including Estebanico, navigate treacherous landscapes and desperate situations, they transition from proud conquistadors to humble servants, their identities molded by circumstance and their faith tested by every hardship. Through Estebanico's voice, Lalami unveils a forgotten chapter of American history. We witness the expedition through the lens of a Black man, a perspective that challenges the dominant narratives of exploration and conquest. The novel sheds light on the marginalized voices of the time and the hidden roles played by individuals who weren't considered worthy of historical recognition. "The Moor's Account" is not just a story of survival; it's a story of redemption and self-discovery. It's a testament to the power of human resilience in the face of adversity. Through Estebanico's journey, Lalami reminds us that history is often rewritten by the victors, and that true understanding requires listening to the voices that have been silenced. Laila Lalami is a Moroccan-American novelist and essayist whose work is celebrated for its poignant exploration of identity, history, and the human experience.

WydawnictwoPantheon Books
data wydania9 września 2014
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