Langston Hughes - The Best of Simple

Langston Hughes - The Best of Simple
Okładka książki

The Best of Simple: A Slice of Life in Harlem

The Best of Simple is a vibrant collection of short stories about Jesse B. Semple, a character created by the legendary Langston Hughes. These stories, originally penned for a weekly column in the Chicago Defender, capture the essence of Harlem life in the early 20th century, a time of profound change and upheaval for African Americans. Simple, an Everyman figure, navigates the joys and challenges of everyday life, offering insightful commentary on race, love, and the pursuit of the American Dream. Hughes, a master storyteller, imbued Simple with a unique blend of wit, wisdom, and resilience. Through Simple's eyes, we encounter a diverse cast of characters – the resilient Joyce, the feisty Zarita, and the ever-present Cousin Minnie – who embody the spirit of Harlem and its inhabitants. This collection, carefully selected from Hughes's earlier works, showcases the enduring appeal of Simple's stories. His humorous observations, insightful commentary, and relatable experiences resonate with readers even today, making him a timeless character in the annals of American literature. The Best of Simple is a window into a pivotal era in American history, told through the lens of a captivating character. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring legacy of Langston Hughes, a prolific writer who captured the essence of the African American experience in his insightful and enduring work.

WydawnictwoHill and Wang
data wydania1997 (data przybliżona)
liczba stron245
słowa kluczoweAfroamerykanie
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